Welcome to Wanlai Elementary School

Nestled in the heart of Beidou Township in Changhua County, Taiwan, Wanlai Elementary School has been a beacon of learning and growth for the past 40 years. With a vibrant community of around 400 students, our school is more than just an educational institution; it's a place where young minds are nurtured and dreams begin.

At Wanlai, we believe in the power of diverse experiences. That's why we offer an array of clubs and activities, catering to the varied interests of our students. From the swift moves of badminton to the strategic plays in soccer, the rhythmic grace of dance to the creative construction of Lego structures, there’s something for every curious mind.

One of our unique offerings is the promotion of traditional Chinese music, highlighted by our focus on the moon lute, a traditional Chinese instrument known for its melodious and captivating sound. Our dedicated music programs not only foster musical skills but also deepen our students' connection to our rich cultural heritage.

Join us on this wonderful journey at Wanlai Elementary School, where tradition meets innovation and every child’s potential is unlocked.


萬來國小坐落於台灣彰化縣北斗鄉的中心地帶,40 年來一直是學習和成長的燈塔。 我們的學校擁有約 400 名學生的充滿活力的社區,它不僅僅是一所教育機構; 這是一個培養年輕人思想、開始夢想的地方。

在萬來,我們相信多元化體驗的力量。 這就是為什麼我們提供一系列社團和活動,以滿足學生的不同興趣。 從羽球的快速動作到足球的策略性比賽,從優美的舞蹈到創意的樂高結構,每個好奇心都能找到適合自己的東西。

我們的獨特產品之一是推廣中國傳統音樂,其中以月琵琶為重點,這是一種以其悠揚迷人的聲音而聞名的中國傳統樂器。 我們專門的音樂課程不僅培養學生的音樂技能,還加深學生與我們豐富的文化遺產的聯繫。


Latest News


Welcome to our quick news about the Little Diplomat's Winter Camp at Wanai Elementary School. The kids had a lot of fun at this 5-day camp, learning all about Indonesia with help from Miss Yayati, our amazing teacher. They painted shadow puppets, made their own masks, and even cooked yummy Indonesian pineapple tarts called nasta. It was a fun way to explore another culture. The adventure didn't stop there; the Little Diplomats also took a trip to Taipei. They rode the high-speed train and visited cool places like the Taipei 101 Building. Thanks to Miss Yayati and everyone who made this camp so special, the kids learned a lot and had tons of fun. That's it for our Little Diplomats' big adventure. See you next time for more fun learning stories!

Vocabulary: diplomat 外交官/ winter camp 寒令營/ Indonesia 印尼/ amazing 很棒的/ shadow 影子/ puppet 手偶/ mask 面具/ pineapple tart 鳳梨塔/ explore 探索/ culture 文化/ adventure 冒險/ high-speed 高速的/ train 火車/ tons of 很多的